I know, I know, I promised to update this blog every couple of days, but what can I say? When given the choice between writing a blog post or sitting in the air-conditioned living room with my roommate, a bowl of buttered popcorn and Season 2 of "Salem" on DVD, I'm going for Option B. Every time. Because I'm lazy.
So, in between daily workouts at the gym (go Planet Fitness), trying to write erotica to order, living in a house with nine other adults (all with some form of mental illness), going to AA meetings, going to therapy, and other fun stuff, I have actually gotten the GoddessVox, Inc., website online. You can find it by clicking here. We're currently published by GoDaddy on a free trial, and I'm desperately trying to raise funds to pay for the first year (it's only $189, but I'm totally tapped right now, because I'm doing this by myself). I did the site myself, and I'm pretty proud of the way it looks. Please go check it out when you get a minute; any feedback or suggestions would be appreciated.
I'm also doing a fundraiser (and if anyone has any better ideas than GoFundMe, I'd love to hear them). My goal is $2,500, just enough to pay for the website publishing and the costs of filing the government paperwork. I want to make GoddessVox a 501(c)(3) non-profit, so we can hire women in recovery and put them to work, while training them and giving them marketable skills to move forward from GoddessVox. This will allow them to secure a job in the outside, brick and mortar world, that will pay enough for them to be able to support themselves without relying on anyone else. I believe that everyone has the ability to take the reins and get it done for themselves; many women in recovery simply don't have the marketable skills to get themselves out of the situations that they're in, which keeps them bound to unhealthy relationships and puts them at a greater risk of relapse. GoddessVox is here to help change that. I know it's a big dream. But dreams are supposed to be big, right? Go big or go home.
GoddessVox also now has its own Facebook page, under the name Persephone deHades. You can find it here: GoddessVox Facebook Page
Finally, I am also looking for some full time work in the private sector, as an executive assistant or something along those lines. I just can't finance all of this other stuff without a steady income, and, since I'm looking to move out of this house and into SPA (Single Point of Access) housing in October, which charges 1/3 of your income for rent (and I don't get any assistance from Social Security Disability or Supplemental Security Income), I'm going to be needing a lot more than the penny a word I've been getting off and on from the freelancing. I'm kind of hoping that if I get something soon, I can just get rid of the fundraiser, but my free trial with GoDaddy is only a week, so it's going to be a bit of a crunch to come up with $189 between now and next Friday. But I'll make it happen.
On that note, off I go to write a post that has something to do with witchcraft. Stay tuned. And thank you for reading.
If you liked this post, please like and share it. And please consider donating to the fundraiser. You can find the widget on the right sidebar. All donations are tax deductible.
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